Nanyang Technological University

Hong Kong Research Hub


The Hong Kong Research Hub is affiliated with Nanyang Technological University at Singapore. We aim to build a research network in South-East Asia to complement and collaborate with existing initiatives in Hong Kong and elsewhere in the world. The hub hosts seminar series and other scholarly events that would be of interest to both academics and non-academics, the scope of which is intended to be broadly interdisciplinary, welcoming a range of methodologies and areas of study which shed new light on Hong Kong’s past, present and future. 

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Upcoming Activities


Feb, 2022
Multiple Decolonialities of Asias and Making of the Asian Commons

Virus, Illness and Pain: Living, Dying, and Recovering in Asian Cinema of the Pandemic Age
Speakers: Timmy Chih-Ting Chen (Hong Kong Baptist University ), Kiu-wai Chu (Nanyang Technological University), Chun Chun Ting (Nanyang Technological University), Helena Wu (University of British Columbia).
(Date tbc)

[Seminars: Transnational Hong Kong History Seminar Series]
(collaboration with History Department)

Jan 13, 2022
Radio Broadcasting and the Early Cold War in Hong Kong, 1945-1955
David Clayton (University of York)

Jan 27, 2022
Britishness at the Test of War: Hong Kong refugees in China and Macau
Vivian Kong (University of Bristol)

Feb 10, 2022
(Title tbc)
John Carroll (University of Hong Kong) 

--- ‘Hong Kong Uncharted: Cultural Production and the Spirit of Publicness’ Series (tbc)

 Core Members

  • Kiu-wai CHU

    Assistant Professor in Environmental Humanities and Chinese Studies, Nanyang Technological University

    His research focuses on ecocriticism, environmental humanities, critical animal studies, and contemporary cinema and visual art in Chinese and Southeast Asian contexts. His work has appeared in Transnational Ecocinema; Ecomedia: Key Issues; The Palgrave Handbook of Asian Cinema; Chinese Environmental Humanities, Journal of Chinese Cinemas; Journal of Chinese Governance; Asian Cinema; photographies; Screen; and elsewhere.

  • Florence MOK

    Nanyang Assistant Professor, History Department, Nanyang Technological University

    Historian of colonial Hong Kong, modern China and British colonialism, with a particular interest in state-society relations, the Cold War and environmental history. Her current project examines how the colonial government and the Chinese society in Hong Kong mitigated environmental crises (water shortage, flooding, typhoon and epidemics) from 1945 to 1980.

  • Chun Chun TING

    Assistant Professor, Chinese Division, Nanyang Technological University

    Literary scholar of contemporary China and Hong Kong, with a particular focus on how cultural forms and expressions intersect with social changes and political movements. She is currently working on a manuscript on artistic activism in post-Handover Hong Kong. She also writes on Chinese cinemas and documentaries, Sinophone literature, and activist media.